In the article ‘First Impressions’ first published in Psychological Science, based on a series of experiments by Princeton psychologists Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov, it was noted that all it takes is a tenth of a second to form an impression of someone.
But at JS Legal Recruitment, we’re confident that you can build on that so long as you follow our nine recommendations:
- Arrive at least ten minutes prior to your interview so you can catch your breath. “Early is on time. On time is late and late is late is unacceptable”!
- Make sure you have researched the company prior via the company website or Google.
- Ensure you have read the job description thoroughly.
- Ensure you have either turned your phone off or put to silent.
- Make eye contact, use a firm hand shake and remember to smile.
- Wear smart business attire. Always dress for your next career move, not just this career move.
- Prepare some questions about the company and the role.
- Be enthusiastic about the position you are being interviewed for.
- Be gracious and thank the interviewer for their time. Ask them if there is anything else they would like to know.
Good luck. Be confident and think positively. If the role is a perfect fit for you, you won’t fail to make a lasting impression.